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Family Visa

Today many countries are working on family reunification programs. Now living with family isn’t that tough. With AMK Global you can effortlessly get family visa services that make you get reunited with your family. The family visa provides the authority to migrate from one country to another country to live with other family members. Our family visa services take care of all the laws of immigration of the different countries.

A spousal visa is also a type of visa which is immigration via marriage. One spouse can immigrate to the spouse living in aboard. AMK global helps you to reunite with your loved ones living abroad. For spouse and family visas, a sponsorship letter by the family member resident or citizen of that country is required. This will help the overall family visa process easily.


The citizen of Canada, permanent resident, or work permit holder can bring their dependent family member to Canada. The government of Canada allows eligible residents to bring their spouses, parents, siblings, grandparents, and children below 18 to come and live with them in Canada. For the dependent visa, a Canadian resident needs to sponsor their relative.

It is possible to live together and a spouse can also apply for a work permit.

The United States of America

The USA provides various facilities for immigrants to live with their families. Whether you are a student or professional, you can take advantage of the US-dependent visa and bring your spouse's children and parents to the USA. Visa categories F2, J2, H4 come under it.

  • In the visa category, F2 dependent cannot work or study
  • In the visa category, H4 dependent of visa holder can work and study in the USA.

The United Kingdom

The family or dependent visa helps UK citizens to live with their family together. They can call their dependents to the Uk to live with them. They can bring their spouse, parents, and children via this visa. This visa comes under the tier 2 category of visa which initially makes dependent to live and work for 5 years and after that, they can apply for permanent residency.


Australia is a country that allows international students, professionals, and skilled workers to call their families and live with them. AMK Global helps you to reunite with your family faster. There are different subclass visas for students, professionals, and citizens. Each visa type has different stay duration. After that family members can apply for the citizenship


Family visas for Europe make dependents of the resident live with them for 90 days. They require a Schengen Visa with having a sticker of visitor affixing on it. This visa makes a person visit ant Schengen country between 90 days.